
Very important disclaimer

Please be advised that the contents of this blog are opinions only (my opinion, the opinions of my family and the opinions of anyone else directly or indirectly involed in this blog). This is not an accredited training blog, nor is it an accredited anything blog. If you (and you) do anything that this blog says, or don't do anything that this site says not to do, and you get injured, sick or killed, you cannot blame me or my family or blame anyone else directly or indirectly involved in this blog. By reading anything on this blog (including this message) you are saying that you are a person who makes thier own choices in life and does not hold the writer of this blog, the writers family or any one else that may be directly or indirectly involved in the production or writing of this blog, responsible for your stupid and irresponsible behaviors, injuries, sicknesses or deaths. With that said, please enjoy my fun blog.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Сто послідовників, дякую вам!

That is Ukrainian for “100 Followers, Thank you!”

I am of Ukrainian Heritage and I fully attribute that fact to my ending up like this 3 years ago… (and for the 10 years prior to that).


Now I have 100 official blog followers who help me to be accountable to my fitness. Amazing.

I’m not  into singling out the 100th, you can probably figure out that on your own, but I want to thank everyone who is on that list. If it wasn’t for the 1st, I could not have gotten to 100!

Remember this post? Most of you don’t as there were only 15 of you… It wasn’t that long ago was it? June. I don’t talk much about the mental aspect of blogging, but I really dig it. I enjoy every comment and jab I get from everyone. So remember, If I don’t acknowledge you directly, I am reading.

I am who I am because of my family my friends, my running and my journaling.

DSCF2042  DSCF2562

I am really a big fan of this new me! Thanks for reading and thanks for your friendships! I truly appreciate the connections with all of you! (and stay tuned for some very unique products I’ll be giving away soon, you won’t want to miss out!

To leave you tonight, here is a nice relaxing photo, to fade off into the evening with. Oh and I am running the Halloween Howl tomorrow morning. A 10k. Should be nice enough for barefoot! Traci and the boy are doing the 3k! Fun Family event! Yay!



  1. Congrats, my friend. I'm hoping for similar results in this New Life of mine. You look happy. When the smiles come from your eyes, you know you're where you're supposed to be.

  2. Looking good :)

    Congrats on 100...I'm sure there are many more to come.

    Have fun tomorrow...happy barefoot running!

  3. You look so much better and now you have a neck! Well done.

  4. Outstanding!! What a wonderful change and congrats on the 100!

  5. You are a totally different person now.
    Hey, I was able to decipher you Ukrainian title with whatever Russian I still remember. Russian was compulsory in Poland in communist times.
    Congrats on 100 and the amazing change in you.

  6. Thanks everyone! It's been a pretty amazing ride!

    And Ewa, I can't take credit for the Ukranian title, I used google translator and hoped to goodness it didn't say something like "I fish for goats in your bathtub"

  7. Oh, so it's okay to jab you? Nice. I just may have to start doing that.

  8. Your transformation is awesome. You look great!

    I love hearing about families running together. Good luck tomorrow and enjoy the family time.

    Congrats on 100! I am proud to be one of them.

  9. Wow. What a transformation.

    Good luck on your 10k tomorrow!

  10. OMG, I just realized I'm you 100th follower =)

  11. Congratulations on making it to 100!!!

  12. as the picture.

    totally relate to your 15 follower post. everytime a follower drops me i feel like i feel like such a looser..but in the end, its their loss. we are way too cool for the un-followers! :)

  13. I don't know how to say it in Ukrainian so I'll say it in the only foreign language I know that shares a common root with Ukrainian, viz., Pig Latin:

    Ongratulations-Cay On-ay Our-yay Undredth-hay Ollower-Fay!-ay

    Also, thanks for driving me nuts with this second line:

    I am of Ukrainian Heritage and I fully attribute that fact to my ending up like this 3 years ago

    Because this is an instance of substituting cause for effect (in reality, you attribute ending up like that three years ago to the fact that you're of Ukrainian heritage; you don't actually think being fat caused you to become Ukrainian) and I know there is a rhetorical term for this particular type of reversal but I just can't think of it and I just spent the last 5-10 minutes on the Intertubes looking for it but I couldn't find it so then I just gave up and ate lots and lots of food in frustration and NOW look at me!

    I'm Ukrainian.

    So thanks for wasting my time and turning me Ukrainian, like a TYPICAL Kanadian.


  14. By the way, this sentence?

    Because this is an instance of substituting cause for effect (in reality, you attribute ending up like that three years ago to the fact that you're of Ukrainian heritage; you don't actually think being fat caused you to become Ukrainian) and I know there is a rhetorical term for this particular type of reversal but I just can't think of it and I just spent the last 5-10 minutes on the Intertubes looking for it but I couldn't find it so then I just gave up and ate lots and lots of food in frustration and NOW look at me!


    Just so you don't have to search for it yourself.

  15. Heisneberg... that is too funny! Thanks for making me look not TOO stupid...LOL! Maybe I am, beacause I still don't get it... oh well, ONWARD!

  16. congrats on the big CENT. that's 'hundred' for you non-Quebecois Canadians......
    congrats, aussi, on all of your accomplishments along the way, mon frere.
    here's to the next Száz!!!

  17. JUST figured it out. You know who you look like? Robby Gordon.

  18. Dammit, I was going for Jeff Gordon...

  19. Nice pictures ... even fat you look like a nice guy!

    It's all the Голубці and варе́ники ... I have battle scars from a few of those eating sessions ... but in our house they're called golumki and perogi.
