
Very important disclaimer

Please be advised that the contents of this blog are opinions only (my opinion, the opinions of my family and the opinions of anyone else directly or indirectly involed in this blog). This is not an accredited training blog, nor is it an accredited anything blog. If you (and you) do anything that this blog says, or don't do anything that this site says not to do, and you get injured, sick or killed, you cannot blame me or my family or blame anyone else directly or indirectly involved in this blog. By reading anything on this blog (including this message) you are saying that you are a person who makes thier own choices in life and does not hold the writer of this blog, the writers family or any one else that may be directly or indirectly involved in the production or writing of this blog, responsible for your stupid and irresponsible behaviors, injuries, sicknesses or deaths. With that said, please enjoy my fun blog.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A bad review…

I did not like my Clear lens ‘Seeker’ Ryders Eyewear  that I was sent for running in the winter. I tried them for the Banff Winterstart Race and was only able to get about a km in, and then they rode the rest of the way on top of my touque. Overall they don’t fit my nose, the nose piece is too narrow for me and the glasses ride too high. They fogged up on me right away, but I attribute that to them riding on the top of my head prior to the race starting, and being too warm when I put them on. This was a night race too and I was wearing a headlamp, so the white frames felt like they were GLOWING in my peripheral vision with the lamp shining out in front of me and reflecting off the glasses. I actually used them as safety glasses for the last week while working on our current jobsite. They worked good in that capacity.

Oh, and I totally can’t pull off a white framed pair of glasses.


I Had a picture. I musta deleted. I hated what i looked like in the glasses. I’ll post as soon as I find. Maybe I’ll do a new pic.

That said, the only glasses I wear anymore are the pair of Hex Ryders I received this fall. LOVE them. My most favourite pair of glasses I have owned. I really can’t say enough about them. great stuff indeed.


whassup Ally…

And… I did this today. I’ll have a full report (with extensive videos of course) out in the next couple days.


Also, I received an advanced shipment of the new Holiday GU… 2x gravy Yum!

Roctane Turkey


  1. curling! YES~ my Dad loves it, and has gotten my mom hooked. while they were visiting us last summer, we all went to see a regional competition hosted by a local club (who knew?) it was great fun. i hope you enjoy it. kinda like chess on ice.

  2. VTX Ryder glasses work for me very well but this is such a personal thing.
    I gotta try that GU.

  3. That Gu sounds good, maybe they'll do a pizza one soon.

  4. I can't pull off White shades either...they look cheese on me.

  5. Ewww... LOL! That GU!! Yeah stick with the black shades

  6. I think that Gu would make me vomit.... yucky!

  7. OMGosh, I think I just threw up in my mouth looking at that Gu packet.

    Did you photoshop that? Is that for real?

  8. How about a side of brussel sprouts GU?

  9. Umm, I hate to do this, but I have to say that wearing the sunglasses as "safety glasses" is worse than going without entirely. Subconsciously you are expecting the glasses to protect you, and that's not the case. If something should happen that you need eye protection, those sunglasses are going to contribute to the problem by adding to the debris that ends up in your eye. So please tell me you have gone and purchased the proper eye protection for the work at hand. It's cheap at twice the price.

  10. That GU sounds killer. I'm stuck on the Vanilla bean right now though. Let me know if you want someone to take those shades off your hand. I have tried two different clear lense glasses to run in the damp a.m. with and neither have worked out.
    If you concider this and I don't like them either, I could just PAY THEM FORWARD TO SOMEONE else.
    Seriously, let me know.

  11. TRI714, they are yours. Email me your address nzeller @ shaw dot ca

    Keith: you're banned ;)

  12. NOW
    brussel sprouts .................

    I LOVE!!!! DEAL + the Birk's!! NO JOKE.

  13. Neil, thanks. "youve got mail"

    EMZ = no brussel sprouts please.

  14. Curling? Are you KIDDING me? Can it get any more Canadian? OMG. When I go to see my Riders, we gottsta go curling. I suppose that would be equivalent of you visiting me and going surfing.

  15. Please tell me that GU is a joke...a sick and twisted joke. Burping up mashed potatoes & gravy in a race would just be NASTY!

  16. HAHAHA - Chris took the words out of my mouth. Curling does seem pretty stereotypical Canadian.

    Now, I'm off to High five some random people on the street, eat a burger and fries, and buy a house I can't afford. USA!!!! USA!!!!
