
Very important disclaimer

Please be advised that the contents of this blog are opinions only (my opinion, the opinions of my family and the opinions of anyone else directly or indirectly involed in this blog). This is not an accredited training blog, nor is it an accredited anything blog. If you (and you) do anything that this blog says, or don't do anything that this site says not to do, and you get injured, sick or killed, you cannot blame me or my family or blame anyone else directly or indirectly involved in this blog. By reading anything on this blog (including this message) you are saying that you are a person who makes thier own choices in life and does not hold the writer of this blog, the writers family or any one else that may be directly or indirectly involved in the production or writing of this blog, responsible for your stupid and irresponsible behaviors, injuries, sicknesses or deaths. With that said, please enjoy my fun blog.

Friday, March 4, 2011

5 word Friday

This my Post.

Comments appreciated.


  1. wow, short on words today :)

  2. Thank you for your comment, much appreciated.

  3. Writers' block, lemons to lemonade.

  4. Honestly? No time right now. Just wanted a whimsical way to let the internet know I was still here.

  5. Happy Friday Neil!!! I hear ya on the no time!

  6. It is a relatively good Friday! Take care Nora!

  7. I had to go back and count it because over and over I would read "this is my post". It's very poetic.

    Is it faux pas to leave a comment longer than the original post?! Too late now! Ha ha.

  8. Haha, glad I could help you pass the time this Friday afternoon!

  9. HEY A: this was going along so nice... then the wiseacre shows up. Happy Friday anyway.

  10. I am so happy I am one of your followers.

  11. New winner for best comment! Caroline!!

  12. Neil, you are kinda like Teddy Roosevelt of Blogging.

  13. This my comment. Have fun!

  14. Minimalist blogging ........ At it best:)

    less is ....

    This should be a monthly feature

    A one word post.

    Then we roll with it.

  15. @ Paul: This is Barefoot Blogging. Minimalist would be at least 15 words.

    @ Zaneta: Awesome is right! I think this might be my favorite post ever.

  16. MZ: You can read anything into it, make it what ever you need at the moment. Beauty.
